IS there the way to create multiple excel file instead of multiple worksheets through spring boot? I have been using apache poi for generation of excel.
@GetMapping("/export/excel") public void exportToExcel(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); String headerKey = "Content-Disposition"; String headervalue = "attachment; filename=Customer.xlsx"; response.setHeader(headerKey, headervalue); List<cusEntity> data1= customerRepo.fetchEmailData(); UserExcelExporter exp = new UserExcelExporter(data1); exp.export(response); }
public class UserExcelExporter { private XSSFWorkbook workbook; private XSSFSheet sheet; private List<EmailDataEntity> listClients; public UserExcelExporter(List<cusEntity> listClients) { this.listClients=listClients; workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); } private void createCell(Row row, int columnCount, Object value, CellStyle style) { sheet.autoSizeColumn(columnCount); Cell cell=row.createCell(columnCount); if(value instanceof Long) { cell.setCellValue((Long) value); }else if(value instanceof Integer) { cell.setCellValue((Integer) value); }else if(value instanceof Boolean) { cell.setCellValue((Boolean) value); }else { cell.setCellValue((String) value); } cell.setCellStyle(style); } private void writeHeaderLine(String iteration) { sheet = workbook.createSheet("Report"); Row row = sheet.createRow(0); CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); createCell(row,0,"Trust & Agency Service",style); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,0,6)); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)(10)); } private void writeDataLines() { int rowCount=1; CellStyle style=workbook.createCellStyle(); XSSFFont font=workbook.createFont(); font.setFontHeight(14); style.setFont(font); for(cusEntity client:listClients) { Row row=sheet.createRow(rowCount++); int columnCount=0; createCell(row, columnCount++, client.getname(), style); } } public void export(HttpServletResponse response,String iteration) throws IOException{ writeHeaderLine(iteration); writeDataLines(); ServletOutputStream outputStream=response.getOutputStream(); workbook.write(outputStream); workbook.close(); outputStream.close(); }
When i try to repeat the code of exp.export(response) , it gives me the 1 excel and for the next excel it says The workbook already contains a sheet named ‘Report’. I thought that if it created 2 excel then having the same worksheet name should not have been the issue . But seems like its trying to create another sheet instead of another excel . Correct me if I am wrong .
Thanks Team.
The way I did it was by changing the output stream: And passing fileName from the HomeController
OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(String.format("C:\Users\kasis\ExcelFolder\%s.xlsx",fileName));