I have a block of code which write data to .xlsx file. I need to write some date in “dd.MM.yy HH:MM” format. All is work properly, but when I try to open result file and test filter work, I got issue with that. Filter perceives dates just like strings, instead of dates, and I can’t get filter with year and month.
Filter which I want (in Russian btw, sorry) Expected filter
Filter which I get Current filter
Code of cell style
defaultCellStyle = (XSSFCellStyle) workbook.createCellStyle(); defaultCellStyle.setFont(defaultFont); defaultCellStyle.setWrapText(true); defaultCellStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); defaultCellStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); defaultCellStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); defaultCellStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); dateCellStyle = (XSSFCellStyle) defaultCellStyle.clone(); CreationHelper createHelper = workbook.getCreationHelper(); dateCellStyle.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm")); dateCellStyle.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT);
Code of value setting
if (cellValue instanceof Date) { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm"); Date date = (Date)cellValue; cell.setCellValue(dateFormat.format(date)); }
Actually I can’t get right filter with any other date formats like standard “dd.MM.yyyy”
Edited: I got my data from prepared statement, and in result date value stored in Timestamp type. maybe it will be useful
Edited 2: I didn’t give the code where I set the style to the cell, but I do it. It seemed to me that this does not require a description. Sorry for that. Also I tried to do this without using of DataFormat, but it didn’t work
You can set the cell style by setting DataFormat
like below,
CellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); cellStyle.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm")); Cell cell = sheet.createRow(3).createCell(2); cell.setCellValue(new Date()); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle);
You need to just convert the cellValue
to String
if (cellValue instanceof Date) { // convert cellValue to String cellStyle.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm")); Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy hh:mm").parse(cellValue); cell.setCellValue(date); }