I can’t see any method on the com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element class that allows me to get all attributes of an element node. Have I missed anything?
Presumably I can get the attributes array of the underlying Javascript object by dropping into native code? I know the results are browser-dependent, but there seem to be known workarounds for that. I haven’t dived much into native JS, so if someone can show me how to do it, that would be a bonus.
I looked for a convenience method in GWT, but was surprised that I couldn’t find one.
Presumably I can get the attributes array of the underlying Javascript object by dropping into native code? I know the results are browser-dependent, …
Yes, with JSNI, you can define a method that returns the element’s “attributes” property as a suitable Java object:
public static native JsArray<Node> getAttributes(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.attributes; }-*/;
You can use it like this:
final JsArray<Node> attributes = getAttributes(element); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length(); i ++) { final Node node = attributes.get(i); String attributeName = node.getNodeName(); String attributeValue = node.getNodeValue(); ... }