I have 4 check boxes, and the user can select or deselect them for their required settings, however, the program requires at least 1 check box to be checked in order to generate the required information for the user. If the user unchecks the last remaining checked box, I want the program to recheck it for them, but in order to do that I need to get the last checkbox that they checked, how might I go about identifying which specific checkbox they checked within the itemListener?
private class HandlerClass implements ItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){ if (atLeastOneBoxChecked()){ generationSettings.includeAZLowerCaseChars(azCheck.isSelected()); generationSettings.includeAZUpperCaseChars(AZCheck.isSelected()); generationSettings.include09Chars(o9Check.isSelected()); generationSettings.includeSpecialChars(specialCheck.isSelected()); } else{ // reset unchecked box to checked } } public boolean atLeastOneBoxChecked(){ return azCheck.isSelected() || AZCheck.isSelected() || o9Check.isSelected() || specialCheck.isSelected(); } }
how might I go about identifying which specific checkbox they checked within the itemListener?
The getSource()
method of the ItemEvent
will contain the check box:
JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox)e.getSource();