i have 2 programm one is a server and the other the client , i have some other class who represent geomtric shape. In the client with the scanner the user write the caracteristics of the shape width,length for a rectangle as an example. the he create an object and send it to the server , the server receive the object calculate area and perimeter and send them to the client. This should happen until the user press enter in the client instead of caracteristics. And i don’t know why but the first loop work good but the second one i type my caracteristics and then nothing happen anymore and my programms are stuck . Maybe you can see my error here are the 2 programm :
Ps: i’m French so sorry for the french word use for my variable’s name Server:
ServerSocket sockConn = null; Socket sockComm = null; try{ sockConn = new ServerSocket(); InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(portServ);//port + wildcard. sockConn.bind(isa); System.out.println("Server Launched !"); int nbForme = 0; int compteur = 0; while(true){ sockComm = sockConn.accept(); ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(sockComm.getInputStream()); ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(sockComm.getOutputStream()); //nbForme = is.readInt(); //System.out.println("nombre de forme a traiter recu : "+nbForme); FormeGeo forme = (FormeGeo)is.readObject(); System.out.println("Forme recu "+forme.toString()); os.writeDouble(forme.perimetre()); os.flush(); os.writeDouble(forme.aire()); os.flush(); //compteur++; //System.out.println("Nombre de forme demande atteint"); //is.close(); //os.close(); }
And my client :
String ipServ = args[0]; sockComm = new Socket(); InetSocketAddress connect= new InetSocketAddress(ipServ,portServ); sockComm.connect(connect); // System.out.print("Entrez un nombre de forme a saisir : "); //sc = new Scanner(System.in); //nbForme = sc.nextInt(); //sc = null; //System.out.println(nbForme); //System.out.println("Envoi du nombre de forme a traiter"); //os.writeInt(nbForme); //os.flush(); while(!line.equals("")){ System.out.println("Saisissez les valeurs d'une forme ou appuyer sur entrer pour stopper le programme"); sc = new Scanner(System.in); line = sc.nextLine(); os = new ObjectOutputStream(sockComm.getOutputStream()); is = new ObjectInputStream(sockComm.getInputStream()); if(line.equals("")){ System.out.println("Fin du programme"); break; }else if(!line.contains(",")){ rayon = Double.parseDouble(line); if(rayon<=0.0){ System.out.println("Longueur du rayon doit ĂȘtre positive"); System.exit(2); } FormeGeo rond = new Rond(rayon); os.writeObject(rond); }else{ String[] numbers = line.split(","); if(numbers.length==2){ longueur = Double.parseDouble(numbers[1]); largeur = Double.parseDouble(numbers[0]); FormeGeo rec= new Rectangle(largeur,longueur); os.writeObject(rec); }else{ System.out.println("Erreur trop d'arguments pour un rectangle !"); System.exit(3); } } os.flush(); double perimetre = is.readDouble(); double aire = is.readDouble(); System.out.println("perimetre et aire renvoye par le serveur respectivement : "+perimetre+" et "+aire); //compteur++; //is.close(); } is.close(); os.close();
Your server socket does the following:
- Wait for a connection to happen, and accept it. (this is
) - Receive a request from that connection
- Send a response to that connection
- Wait for a connection to happen, and accept it.
- Receive a request from that connection
- Send a response to that connection
- …
i.e. your server only expects one request per connection.
Your client does this:
- Connect to the server
- Send a request
- Receive a response
- Send a request
- Receive a response
- …
When your client is waiting for the 2nd response, your server is waiting for the 2nd connection, so nothing happens.
You can fix it by doing one of these things:
- Make the client start a new connection for every request
- Make the server handle many requests on the same connection (instead of waiting for a new one)
- Make the server start a new thread for every connection, so it can process several connections at the same time