I want only one schedule method to work for many instances.
I added the snap-scheduler to my project, and after that I deployed two different instances to the railway. And two entries about the execution of my method are added to the snap_lock
table. Сan you explain where I went wrong?
It`s scheduler config:
@Configuration @Import(SnapAppConfig.class) public class SchedulerConfiguration { private static final String SNAP_DB_POOL_NAME = "snap-pool"; @Bean(name = "snapDataSource") public DataSource customDataSource(final DataSourceProperties properties, @Value("${spring.datasource.hikari.schema}") final String schema) { final HikariDataSource dataSource = properties.initializeDataSourceBuilder() .type(HikariDataSource.class).build(); dataSource.setPoolName(SNAP_DB_POOL_NAME); Optional.ofNullable(schema).ifPresent(dataSource::setSchema); return dataSource; } }
It`s method with @SnapLock and @Scheduled annotations
@Slf4j @Service @RequiredArgsConstructor public class SchedulerService { private static final String EUROPE_KIEV_ZONE = "Europe/Kiev"; @SnapLock(key = "REPORT_CURRENT_TIME", time = 30) @Scheduled(cron = "0 */1 * * * *", zone = EUROPE_KIEV_ZONE) protected void test() { log.info("time now equals = " + Instant.now()); } }
It`s psql
CREATE TABLE snap_lock ( task_key text NOT NULL, task_method text NOT NULL, lock_until timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, lock_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, lock_by text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT snap_lock_pkey PRIMARY KEY (task_key, task_method) ); CREATE TABLE snap_task_audit ( id integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS identity, task_key text NOT NULL, task_method text NOT NULL, run_on text NOT NULL, start_run timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, end_run timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, run_time_seconds numeric NOT NULL, task_error jsonb, CONSTRAINT snap_task_audit_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE snap_scheduler ( name text NOT NULL, task_key text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, task_class text NOT NULL, task_data jsonb, task_data_class text, run_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, recurrence text, picked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, picked_by text, end_run timestamp with time zone, CONSTRAINT snap_scheduler_pkey PRIMARY KEY (task_key) );
As an alternative, I solved my problem using a library https://github.com/lukas-krecan/ShedLock. Everything is similar there, the method through the base is blocked. But there were no problems with crowns.