I have the following piece of code:
String firstString = "sth"; String secondString = "sthElse"; String stringsSpecialConcat = String.format("%s<br>%s", firstString, secondString); boolean isFirstStringNotBlank = StringUtils.isNotBlank(firstString); boolean isSecondStringNotBlank = StringUtils.isNotBlank(secondString); return isFirstStringNotBlank ? (isSecondStringNotBlank ? stringsSpecialConcat : firstString) : (isSecondStringNotBlank ? secondString : "")
Could you please help me simplify the above by means of the functional programming?
I would like to use something similar to
Stream.of(firstString, secondString).collect(joining(""))
Stream.of(firstString, secondString) .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank) .collect(Collectors.joining("<br>"))
will only insert a delimiter if there are 2 or more elements. In your case, that’s when both are non-empty.
If both are empty, the result is ""
If first is empty, the result is "second"
If second is empty, the result is "first"
If both are non-empty, the result is "first<br>second"