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Order between @ControllerAdvice and custom Aspect


How can I define the order of custom aspects and the @ControllerAdvice?

Detailed description

I want to decorate various methods (like normal REST-Calls or a @JmsListener) with MDC information on controller-level.

The idea is: I, as a developer, don’t have to think about the MDC data in my controller-methods.
I want extra MDC-information (e.g. the userId) and I can be sure, that information will be correctly removed.

my aspect

public class MdcSugar {

  @Pointcut("within(@MdcAwareController *)") // <- MdcAwareController is my annotation
  public void beanAnnotatedWithMdcAwareController() {
    // this pointcut identifies beans annotated with @MdcAwareController

  @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
  public void publicMethod() {
    // this pointcut identifies public methods

  @Pointcut("publicMethod() && beanAnnotatedWithMdcAwareController()")
  public void publicMethodInsideMdcAwareController() {
    // this pointcut identifies public methods on beans annotated with @MdcAwareController

  public void addMdcSugar(JoinPoint joinPoint) {"Entered");
    MDC.put("test", "test");

  public void removeMdcSugar() {"Leaved");

example controller

@MdcAwareController // <- my annotation
public class SomeController {

   // doesn't matter if the method is a JmsListener or something else
   public String get(@PathVariable String id) {
      MDC.put("id", id);"Got request");
      throw new RuntimeException("too bad ...");


public class GeneralExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {

  // some others cases with different handlers

  protected ResponseEntity<HttpErrorResponseBody> handleUncaught(RuntimeException e) {
    log.error("Uncaught exception occurred", e);
    return new ResponseEntity<>(e.toString(), new HttpHeaders(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

Now I have a problem when a exception occurs. My aspect will always clear the MDC-context before the exception-handler jumps in. Log example:

[test=test][id=someString] Got request
[test=test][id=someString] Leaved
Uncaught exception occurred

But I want something like this:

[test=test][id=someString] Got request
[test=test][id=someString] Uncaught exception occurred
[test=test][id=someString] Leaved

I already tried to place @Order() on MdcSugar and GeneralExceptionHandler, but with no affect.



Sometimes the world is so easy – I only need to clear the MDC-data at the beginning.

public class MdcSugar {

  @Pointcut("within(@MdcAwareController *)") // <- MdcAwareController is my annotation
  public void beanAnnotatedWithMdcAwareController() {
    // this pointcut identifies beans annotated with @MdcAwareController

  @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
  public void publicMethod() {
    // this pointcut identifies public methods

  @Pointcut("publicMethod() && beanAnnotatedWithMdcAwareController()")
  public void publicMethodInsideMdcAwareController() {
    // this pointcut identifies public methods on beans annotated with @MdcAwareController

  public void addMdcSugar(@Nullable JoinPoint joinPoint) {
    MDC.put("test", "test");
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