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XSLT Error checking type of the expression ‘funcall(tokenize)’

I am trying to get the latest word in a string that is splitted with ‘/’ but for some reason I get the error


I know that it is only supported in xsl version 2 and I think that I have done so as can be seen in my xsl file


if I replace the tokenize with substring-after it does not complain about the arguments. A small xml example for the tokenize part


If I run my code WITH the tokenize function in this website it works perfectly. Not sure what I am missing here.

Not sure if it is worth noting but I run this template with the help of javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory


Ok so I replaced the Transformer to Saxon as mentioned in the comments and it catches the string now but it replaces ‘/’ with ‘ ‘ for some reason. For example if I have aa/bb/cc it returns aa bb cc



As Martin suggested in the comments, changing the java library to use Saxon HE version 11.4 and using [last()] did the trick

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