In the following method I defined a DocumentBuilderFactory with the XMLConstant FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING
as false.
private static DocumentBuilderFactory getDocumentBuilderFactory() throws ParserConfigurationException {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
factory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, false);
factory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD, ""); // Compliant
factory.setAttribute(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA, ""); // compliant
return factory;
However, when I test the value of this property, it is ‘true’ after the DocumentBuilderFactory is returned.
I read the source documentation, and it states:
It is possible for an {@code TransformerFactory} to expose a feature value but be unable to change its state.
I am assuming this property is “unchangeable” by simply setting it to false. I am curious, is it possible to use Reflection to get around this? Are there any other more “stable” ways of setting this property to false?
cannot be turned off, unfortunately. You can effectively override this security measure by adjusting the limits associated with FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING
Example via System Properties:
final String MAX_XPATH_GROUP_LIMIT = "jdk.xml.xpathExprGrpLimit";
final String MAX_XPATH_OPERATOR_LIMIT = "jdk.xml.xpathExprOpLimit";
final String MAX_XPATH_TOTAL = "jdk.xml.xpathTotalOpLimit";
System.setProperty(MAX_XPATH_GROUP_LIMIT, "-1");
System.setProperty(MAX_XPATH_OPERATOR_LIMIT, "-1");
System.setProperty(MAX_XPATH_TOTAL, "-1");
Values <= 0 are equivalent to ‘no limit’.