I wanted to make a program that greets you according to the time of day . I live in India so the zoneid that I used was Asia/Kolkata The timezone here is IST(GMT+5:30). And while I am writing this question the time here is 12:49 PM . Still this print the output good night idk what is wrong with the code . THE CODE IS ==
LocalDateTime today = LocalDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("Asia/Kolkata"));
int h_today = today.getHour();
if(h_today > 0 && h_today < 12)
System.out.println("Good morning ma'am! n");
else if(h_today > 12 && h_today < 17)
System.out.println("Good afternoon ma'am! n");
else if( h_today >17 && h_today < 23 )
System.out.println("Good evening ma'am! n");
System.out.println("Good night ma'am! n");
I used LocalDateTime instead of LocalTime because I need to do some more operations also and I think that shouldn’t have affected the output . I think the problem is with the conditions that I gave . Please help me ☆
If the hour is 12, it is not present in any of the if statements. So the control is going to else. Put >= instead of >. Change
else if(h_today > 12 && h_today < 17)
else if(h_today >= 12 && h_today < 17)
similarly for others.