Is it good style to write:
objectName.methodWithManyParameters(someLongParameter1, someLongParameter2, someLongParameter3, someLongParameter4, someLongParameter5);
(which is obviously far to long for one line) as
objectName.methodWithManyParameters ( someLongParameter1, someLongParameter2, someLongParameter3, someLongParameter4, someLongParameter5 );
Another way would be:
objectName.methodWithManyParameters(someLongParameter1, someLongParameter2, someLongParameter3, someLongParameter4, someLongParameter5);
If you’re working with others, or in a pre-existing code base, use whatever standards they’ve already been using. 80 vs 100 column, option #1/2/3, etc.
If you’re working on your own, Jordi’s answer nails it. Use the Oracle conventions, and likely go with 100 character line lengths; we have modern screens that fit a lot, lot more text than monitors did in 1996.