In PHP, we (at least the good programmers) always start general variable names with a lower-case letter, but class variables/objects with an upper-case letter to distinguish them. In the same way we start general file names with a lower case letter, but files containing Classes with an upper case letter.
<?php $number = 123; $string = "a string"; $colors_array = array('red', 'blue', 'red'); $Cat = New Cat(); ?>
Are the conventions the same in Java, i.e., objects starting with upper-case, but the rest with lower case, or does everything start with lower case as I’ve read in other places?
Generally, all variables will start with lower case:
int count = 32; double conversionFactor = 1.5d;
Some people like to put static constants in all case:
public static final double KILOGRAM_TO_POUND = 2.20462262;
Things get more annoying when you deal with acronyms, and there is no real standard on whether you should use:
HTMLHandler myHtmlHandler;
HTMLHandler myHTMLHandler.
Now, either way, note that the class names (Object, String, HTMLHandler) always start with a capital letter, but individual object variables start lowercase.