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Throw an exception in a WebFilter class and handle it in a ControllerAdvice class

I’m trying to implement a WebFilter that checks a JWT and throw an exception if the check fails or the result is not valid. And I’ve a @ControllerAdvice class that handles those exceptions. But it doesn’t work.

This is the WebFilter class:

public class OktaAccessTokenFilter implements WebFilter {

private JwtVerifier jwtVerifier;

   public OktaAccessTokenFilter(JwtVerifier jwtVerifier) {
        this.jwtVerifier = jwtVerifier;

   public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, WebFilterChain chain) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().get("Authorization"))
            .flatMap(list ->
            .filter(authHeader -> !authHeader.isEmpty() && authHeader.startsWith("Bearer "))
            .map(authHeader -> authHeader.replaceFirst("^Bearer", ""))
            .map(jwtString -> {
                try {
                } catch (JoseException e) {
                    throw new DecodeAccessTokenException();
                return chain.filter(exchange);
            }).orElseThrow(() -> new AuthorizationException());

And the exception handler:

public class SecurityExceptionHandler {

  public ResponseEntity authorizationExceptionHandler(AuthorizationException ex) {

    return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).build();


  public ResponseEntity decodeAccessTokenExceptionHandler(DecodeAccessTokenException ex) {

    return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).build();



I think, the @ControllerAdvice class can not handle exceptions that WebFilter throws. Because, if I move the exceptions to the controller, it works.

I’ve change the code for this (for now):

public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, WebFilterChain chain) {

    Optional<String> authJwt = Optional.ofNullable(exchange.getRequest().getHeaders().get("Authorization"))
            .flatMap(list ->
            .filter(authHeader -> !authHeader.isEmpty() && authHeader.startsWith("Bearer "))
            .map(authHeader -> authHeader.replaceFirst("^Bearer", ""));

    if (authJwt.isPresent()) {
        String jwtString = authJwt.get();
        try {
        } catch (JoseException e) {
            return exchange.getResponse().writeWith(Mono.empty());
    } else {
        return exchange.getResponse().writeWith(Mono.empty());

    return chain.filter(exchange);

What do you think about the problem? Do you know another way to implement it?



You might try defining an @Order() for both your @ControllerAdvice and @WebFilter beans, and giving @ControllerAdvice higher precedence.

However, I don’t think that’s the way to go, main reason being the @ControllerAdvice exception handlers don’t return reactive types. Instead, I would define a bean which implements ErrorWebExceptionHandler instead. This handler is added to reactive flow by `spring-webflux, so you don’t need to worry about the precedence. See this answer for details.

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