I am loading a string which contains some number (all in Persian) into an android TextView. Everything was fine until I changed my custom font, numbers of text shown as English number.
Expected : ۱۲۳۴ Received : 1234
I know that my new font support Persian number. When I change the number locale using code below the number shown correctly.
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("fa", "IR")); String newNumber = numberFormat.format(number);
The problem is I have a string and it’s hard to find the numeric part and change it. also my previous font works fine and I can’t understand what’s the problem with this font.
Any Idea how to globally solve this problem for all textview, or at least for a string?
Try to use this method:
private String setPersianNumbers(String str) { return str .replace("0", "۰") .replace("1", "۱") .replace("2", "۲") .replace("3", "۳") .replace("4", "۴") .replace("5", "۵") .replace("6", "۶") .replace("7", "۷") .replace("8", "۸") .replace("9", "۹"); }