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Testing Java code with Groovy under Intellij: unable to resolve class GroovyTestCase

I need to write a short test for some Java code. I used CTRL+SHIFT+T to generate one with IntelliJ, and selected “Groovy JUnit” as the testing library, then wrote the following test:

package util
class FibonacciHeapTest extends GroovyTestCase {
    FibonacciHeap<Integer> heap

    void setUp() {
        heap = new FibonacciHeap<>()

    void testAddInOrder() {
        testForItems 1..1000

    private void testForItems(Range<Integer> items) {
        items.each {heap << it}
        assertEquals heap.size,
        items.each {assertEquals heap.remove(), it}

However, when I right click on the test case in the project window, I don’t get the “Run All Tests” option that I normally do with JUnit tests, and the compiler throws the following error:

Information:2/4/15 8:15 PM - Compilation completed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 2 sec
Error:(3, 1) Groovyc: unable to resolve class util.FibonacciHeap
Error:(9, 1) Groovyc: unable to resolve class GroovyTestCase

Trying to import GroovyTestCase or FibonacciHeap manually causes the same error. IntelliJ does not add any import statements when I let autocomplete finish the names for me, like it usually would with Java code.

What am I doing wrong?



This worked for me :

  • Open Gradle window (on right side in my case)
  • Click on refresh button
  • Done


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