In my Spring Boot project (v2.6), one of my components is using a Thymeleaf template engine to generate content.
I want to unit test my component, but I am struggling because it has a TemplateEngine as a constructor dependency :
public EmailNotifier(JavaMailSender emailSender,TemplateEngine templateEngine) {
this.emailSender = emailSender;
I don’t want to mock the TemplateEngine (the test would not have great value), I would prefer to use a “real” (and configured) templateEngine, and make sure that the content is generated as I expect. But I would like my test to be as “low-level” as possible, ie without loading the full application with Spring.
Spring Boot doesn’t have a Thymeleaf “slice” like it has for Jpa or Web tests, but I guess I need something similar to that.
How can I get the minimum Spring magic in my test, so that it’s both a realistic and fast test ?
This is what I ended up doing :
class EmailNotifierTest {
//to have Spring Boot manage the thymeleaf config
static class MinimalConfiguration {
TemplateEngine templateEngine;
public EmailNotifier notifier(){
JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();
return new EmailNotifier(mailSender, templateEngine);
EmailNotifier myEmailNotifier;
//tests using myEmailNotifier go here...
My object is ready to be used, with a templateEngine configured by Spring, the same way it will be when running in production. I guess we can exclude some auto configurations if needed, to go faster. But in my case I don’t have too many other dependencies available, so the test is still quite fast to run, thanks to the minimal Spring overhead.