I am using Spring for MVC tests Here is my test class Here is the MVC config Here is the security config When I run my test it fails with the message: I understand that it fails due to the fact that the url is protected with spring security, but when I run my application I can access that url
Tag: spring-test
JUnit 5 – Empty test suite in IntelliJ IDEA when using JUnit Jupiter engine
How to execute All Suite tests with JUnit 5 in IntelliJ IDEA v2016.2.2? I get Empty test suite running this code: I receive: OR I receive: I was able to run suite with JUnit 4, but it doesn’t work with JUnit 5. Answer Short Answer If you are using IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2, it is currently not possible to execute a
Spring Boot Integration test random free port
I am able to get Spring Boot integration to generate a random free port to launch itself on. But I also need a free port for Redis. Any ideas on how to achieve this? Answer You can use Spring Framework’s SocketUtils to get an available port:
Overriding beans in Integration tests
For my Spring-Boot app I provide a RestTemplate though a @Configuration file so I can add sensible defaults(ex Timeouts). For my integration tests I would like to mock the RestTemplate as I dont want to connect to external services – I know what responses to expect. I tried providing a different implementation in the integration-test package in the hope that
How to re-create database before each test in Spring?
My Spring-Boot-Mvc-Web application has the following database configuration in application.properties file: this is the only config I made. No any other configurations made by me anywhere. Nevertheless the Spring and subsystems are automatically recreate database on each web application run. Database is recreated namely on system run while it contains data after application ends. I was not understanding this defaults
IntelliJ @IfProfileValue default value
In most projects that use Spring extensively there are a few tests that use @IfProfileValue to mark it as integration test, performance test or similar. When you run these with maven you do something …