How can I pass multiple parameters in jdbcTemplate queryForInt to get the count. I have tried this, But its showing queryForInt as strikes. Answer Both queryForInt() and queryForLong() are deprecated since version 3.2.2 (correct me if mistake). To fix it, replace the code with queryForObject(String, Class). As per spring docs int queryForInt(String sql, Map args) Deprecated. Query for an int
Tag: spring-jdbc
java.sql.SQLException: An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out
I have a java client server which is supposed to establish connection pool on startup but its failing on timeout error. There are so many threads on this same issue but none of the solutions worked for me AM using jdk 7 and below is the mchange maven dependency Here is my DAO class which establishes connection-pool on server
How to query for a List in JdbcTemplate?
I’m using Spring’s JdbcTemplate and running a query like this: There are no named parameters being passed, however, column name, COLNAME, will be passed by the user. Questions Is there a way to have placeholders, like ? for column names? For example SELECT ? FROM TABLEA GROUP BY ? If I want to simply run the above query and get
How to search string LIKE ‘something%’ with Java Spring Framework?
I’ve got a MySQL table with Foos. Each Foo has a numeric non-unique code and a name. Now I need to find if any Foo with one of certain codes happens to have a name that starts with a given string. In normal SQL this would be trivial: But how would I properly do this in Spring now? Without the
Stored Procedure returning multiple tables to spring jdbc template
Iam calling a stored procedure from my Spring DAO class using JdbcTemplate. My problem is that, stored procedure returns multiple tables. Is there a way to access multiple tables using Spring JdbcTemplate. If I use jdbcTemplate.queryForList(myStoredProc, new Object[]{parameters} iam getting only first table from the result. My database is SQL Server 2005. Is there any method other than jdbcTemplate for
JDBC connection to SQL Server 2005 Instance running on remote machine
I am trying to connect to sql server 2005 instance running on a remote machine from my spring web application. This web application is running in tomcat server. Earlier When I connected to sql server 2000, it worked fine. I used msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar to connect to sql server 2000. My connection String was But now when I try to