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Tag: snapshot

How can I retreive values from firebase (one to many relationship)?

I can’t access name, imageurl and other properties because snapshot.getvalue returns true How can I retreive values from firebase having one to many relationship? Answer You’re trying to read the name, description and other properties from the “item01”: true node. That won’t work, since the properties don’t exist on that node. You’ll instead need to load the snapshot for that

How to download SNAPSHOT version from maven SNAPSHOT repository?

So I have a project and I do regular releases to maven without a problem. I now want to make available a SNAPSHOT version of this project. So I do ‘mvn clean deploy’. Everything works as you can see below: [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from sonatype-nexus-snapshots Uploading: 5K uploaded (menta-regex-0.9.6-20111010.153035-2.jar) I go to my sonatype manager and I
