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Tag: outlook

What is the deleted folder name link for Outlook?

I have a code snippet for deleting emails from Gmail. But I need to change that line store.getFolder(“[Gmail]/Trash”); to work with the Outlook server. What is the deleted(trash) folder name link for Outlook? Answer In Outlook, there are two options: So you could use [Outlook]/Deleted Items or [Outlook]/Junk Email. Probably most comparable to [Gmail]/Trash is [Outlook]/Deleted Items. Junk Email catches

Connecting to OUTLOOK365 from Selenium Java

I have an application that sends a verification code to my Email after entering credentials. I need to read the verification code from my inbox. I am using Outlook and my organization uses the MAPI protocol for OUTLOOK365. Can anyone help me with this? Answer Using the Graph API one can access the Outlook. you need to register in Azure
