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Tag: jersey-2.0

Jersey 1 @Inject migrated to Jersey 2 stopped working

I am doing a Jersey 1 to Jersey 2 migration of my system. In my code I had @Inject annotation from com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Inject and @Singleton from com.sun.jersey.spi.resource.Singleton. I’ve changed these to javax.inject.Inject and javax.inject.Singleton. Since this change I am getting errors while injecting any object annotated with it. My error is this The APIConnectorHandler is Injected both in RSearchClient and BarcodeSearchClient.

Struts & Jersey Servlets with JSP & Webpack Front End

we currently have a struts 1.2 web application with casual JSP web pages. We want to migrate our application to Rest service web application with a webpack project front end. As this will be a migration process where old pages will be served under oracle weblogic server and new ones will be served under a different production server. We will
