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Tag: flink-streaming

TimeCharacteristics & TimerService in Apache Flink

I’m currently working through this tutorial on Stream processing in Apache Flink and am a little confused on how the TimeCharacteristics of a StreamEnvironment effect the order of the data values in the stream and in respect to which time an onTimer function of a ProcessFunction is called. In the tutorial, they set the characteristics to EventTime, since we want

Does Flink provide Java API to submit jobs to JobManager?

I know Jobs can be submit to JobManager by flink or flink.bat. I wanna know whether Flink provides Java API to submit jobs to JobManager? Answer Yes. Depending on the type of cluster you want to connect, there are several implementations of the ClusterClient ( It can run jobs either in a blocking (synchronous) or detached (asynchronous) fashion. One way

Apache Flink – custom java options are not recognized inside job

I’ve added the following line to flink-conf.yaml: “-Ddy.props.path=/PATH/TO/PROPS/FILE” when starting jobmanager ( start cluster) I see in logs that the jvm option is indeed recognized but when I run a flink job (flink run -d PROG.JAR), System.getProperty(“dy.props.path”) returns null (and when printing the system properties, I see that it is indeed absent.) The question really is – how do
