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Tag: firebase-realtime-database

How to get a child value if another child value matches in Firebase?

My Database Structure is: In this structure, I need to get “ID” (which is autogenerated) as “ovxZPZeyy2VlZUP1K0vv9VtiThu1” if the “UserName” matches to “GokulNew1”. And I need to store the ID in String ID. And My Code is, Answer To get the key of the node (ovxZPZeyy2VlZUP1K0vv9VtiThu1) if the “UserName” matches to “GokulNew1”, please use the following lines of code: The

Put firebase data in a JTable

I am struggling to put some firebase data into a jtable in java swing. As seen in photo I’ve been able to retrieve the data from firebase but for some reason the data won’t be displayed in the JTable field(table1) I looks like the getID(), getName()… methods didn’t get any value, since I tried to print row[i] to see if
