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Tag: email

Eclipse: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataHandler

I’m trying to send an email in java. Here’s the code: When I compile the project, on line: …the following error comes out: Note: I’m using java -version: 9.0.4 Answer JDK 9 disables access to many of the javax.* APIs by default, javax activation is now deprecated. However you can resolve it with adding the module at run time

How you create confirmation link for email?

In my project I need to send letter to user email with confirmation link. My solution: Add string column “code” and boolean column “is_active” (with default value false) to user table. When user register, generate unique string key and save to database. Send to email link, for example{code}/confirm Then find by the code (generated string value) user and set

Java Simple Email Program in Eclipse

I want to make a simple program where you can send email from the Command Line. I found this tutorial, ‘ ‘, however the downloads don’t. So where can I get JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework (JAF) and how would i put it in my class path. Basically Im looking for someone to break it down and show

How to send an email to multiple recipients in Spring

The email gets sents only to the last email address in the String[] to array. I’m intending to send to all email addresses added to the array. How can I make that work? Answer You have the choice to use the following 4 methods. I have provided examples of the two methods useful in this case. I have consolidated this
