We have a maven project that export an “ear” file at the end of building phase. App server is Weblogic 12C. and the server is clustered by 4 nodes. after deploying the app and when the machine state is active, we have to run 3 scripts to setup app properly. they are 3 scripts for translating and something like that.
Tag: ear
An error while deploying ear on local websphere in intellij
I’m trying to deploy an ear on WAS using Intellij’s IBM Websphere configuration. I see the following log: Configuration is pretty standard, nothing different. Doing this on a windows OS, with WAS version being 8.5.17 and latest version of Intellij. Edit: When I do a refresh, I see this So, essentially Intellij is not able to establish connection with the
Use jsf as template engine on EAR
Thinking about html e-mails for our e-commerce site I thought about reusing jsf and other 3rd party libraries as a template engine to create the e-mails on our application server (Glassfish 3, EAR). Is it possible to manually run jsf with a local file and initialize the necessary bean to capture the html output to be saved in a String?
Invalid packaging for parent pom.xml, must be “pom” but is “ear”
Could anybody suggest me an solution with the following exception. I am going to create a multi-module project. Parent Project name is LOGICBACKEND child project name is DBAccess I need to have ear file of LOGICBACKEND which should contain DBAccess prjoects jar file. I am getting following exception when i run mav clean install -P Developer. This is how part