I am polling tweets from twitter using Twitter4j and I am trying to filter hashtags from it after I take text from it I turn it into strings now I have this String: “892698363371638784:RT @hikids_ksa: اللعبة خطيرة مرا ويبي لها مخ و تفكير و مهارة👌🏻💡 متوفرة في #متجر_هاي_كيدز_الالكتروني ..” I want to remove متجر_هاي_كيدز_الالكتروني as it has Hashtag after it
Tag: arabic
Set the first day of the week in JavaFX’s DatePicker
Is it possible to change the first day of week on JavaFX’s DatePicker when applying Arabic locale? I need to change it from Saturday to Sunday. Answer I was able to change the first date of the week by injecting the following class within my application: Do not forget to change the default locale: EDIT: The previous solution does not