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Tag: apache-karaf

Karaf-assembly and features: new and old method?

I am attempting to create a Java Maven OSGI Desktop Application which can be launched using Karaf. The project includes several bundles. I believe I need to create features and assemble them? From Karaf’s documentation it seems there is a new and “old” way. I am still confused about the following: In addition to my parent/child bundle projects, should

Simple OSGi application with dependencies inside bundle

Simple OSGi application with dependencies inside bundle. I am playing with karaf. I started by writing a simple rest application. I took karaf examples as backbond and it was quite simple to run my first bundle with rest endpoints, but then I faced an issue when I added maven dependency. I added guava as an example and got an

Setting Java Heap Size under Apache Karaf

I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I can’t seem to find this answered anywhere. What is the best way to increase the maximum Java heap size when using Apache Karaf? Currently, I modified the following line in the karaf.bat file: set DEFAULT_JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx<NewMaxValue>M. I feel like modifying the bat file is not the best solution. Additionally, none of
