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Tag: android-service

Run background service only when phone is in use

I’m trying to make an android app that fires a background intent to “ping” a server with a post request about every 2 minutes (by default, interval is user-configurable). I absolutely need to avoid the service running when the phone is not in active use, and I need it to not defer the service like an AlarmManager would. If it

How can I create a notification channel for Android API level < 26 (before Android Oreo)? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I am currently working with an Android service: I am creating a service that has to be a foreground service. But looking at the

Take a screenshot – Background Service

I’m trying to take a screenshot using a background service. This service is like a Facebook chathead, but I want it to take an screenshot when I do a click. I’ve developed some code but it doesn’t work. The last I’ve tried was: But is taking an screenshot to my button not to the screen. I know the problem is
