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Tag: amazon-linux-2

Unable to run jar file with –enable-preview flag when using corretto 17

I am trying to run my application in an ec2 instance using the command nohup java –enable-preview my-application.jar But somehow the –enable-preview flag is ignored and i still get an error on startup telling me that i should try running it with the flag –enable-preview. I use amazon’s corretto-17 as the openJDK version. Does corretto-17 not support the –enable-preview flag?

How do I install jarsigner on Amazon Linux 2?

My understanding is that jarsigner is packaged with OpenJDK, which I’ve installed by running Now I have a bunch of synlinks to the jdk, like so: However, I don’t have jarsigner in the bin directory: What else do I need to do to install this binary? Answer It appears Amazon follows the RedHat packaging scheme with JRE and JDK separated,
