I’m trying to start an InboundChannelAdapter manually using a @Scheduled function. I think I’m setting up the message payload wrong but I’m not sure what to have it as. Here’s the code:
public class KafkaSource {
private MessageChannel controlBusChannel;
@Scheduled(cron="0 27 0 * * *", zone="US/Eastern")
public void run() {
Message controlMessage = MessageBuilder.withPayload("@'source.input.inboundChannelAdapter'.start()").build();
@InboundChannelAdapter(value = Source.OUTPUT, poller = @Poller(fixedDelay = "1"), autoStartup = "false")
public AgentCreated consumeAndSendMessage() {
I’m getting this error:
Caused by: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1004E: Method call: Method transform(java.lang.String) cannot be found on type com.company.transformer.SpecialNotesTransformer$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$c10d699d
The error occurs at the controlBusChannel.send() line and the transformer in the error is the first one that runs after the source. How do I frame the message payload properly? The channel is created automatically by the Source.class in Spring Cloud Stream library.
You are using an outdated API.
The annotation-based configuration model has been long deprecated in favor of functional programming model, so EnableBinding
, StreamListener
etc are on their way out.
For you case you can simply use Supplier with StreamBridge. See this section for more details. And then you can do programmatic start/stop binding using the available lifecycle features of spring-cloud-stream.
Now, that doesn’t mean your other problem will be resolved, but without a full stack trace and sufficient detail (e.g., version of frameworks you are using) it is difficult to say.