I have the following Controller:
@Validated @RestController public class ProductController { @Autowired private ProductService productService; @PutMapping("/products/{productId}/costs") public ResponseEntity<Product> updateProductCost(@RequestHeader String authorization, @PathVariable UUID productId, @RequestBody ProductCost productCost) { Product updatedProduct = productService.updateProductCost(productId, productCost); return ResponseEntity.ok(updatedProduct); } }
The ProductCost model looks like:
@Data @NoArgsConstructor @Entity @Table(name = "product_costs", schema = "mws") public class ProductCost implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1789128204447938816L; @Column private Double unitCost; @Column private Double shippingCost; @Column private Double pickPack; @Column private Double weightHandling; @Column private Double handling; @Column private Double fbaFee; @Column private Double referFee; @Column private String currencyCode; @CreationTimestamp private Date createdAt; @UpdateTimestamp private Date updatedAt; @Id @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "product_id") @JsonBackReference private Product product;
My problem is that when calling that endpoint, the productCost variable comes with all fields set to null, even though I’m seding it real data.
The request body looks like:
{ productCost: { createdAt: "2020-08-22T21:22:33.989+0000" currencyCode: "USD" fbaFee: 0 andling: 0 pickPack: 0 referFee: 0 shippingCost: 0 unitCost: 5 updatedAt: "2020-08-22T21:22:33.989+0000" weightHandling: 0 } }
Am I missing something obvious? Why is the Product Cost not mapped correctly from my request’s body
to the productCost
variable in the controller?
Send only value of productCost.
{ createdAt: "2020-08-22T21:22:33.989+0000" currencyCode: "USD" fbaFee: 0 andling: 0 pickPack: 0 referFee: 0 shippingCost: 0 unitCost: 5 updatedAt: "2020-08-22T21:22:33.989+0000" weightHandling: 0 }
Because you are not enclosing productCost in any other class to parse the productCost