I’m working on a Spring application and I’m using MongoDB as my database. I have a document structure where I am saving the id of another document to use as a reference. This id is an objectId and then save it using
It is using the same objectId as the one I’m saving for reference to create _id field for this newly created document. So my document is like this
{ "_id":{ "$oid":"610a03578c9e4937107b6501" }, "ConversationId":{ "$oid":"610a03578c9e4937107b6501" }, "Author":"author", "Body":"hey there", "CreatedAt":{ "$date":{ "$numberLong":"1628171556888" } } }
As you can see that both the ids for _id and ConversationId are the same. I have tried saving ConversationId as a string and it still does the same. Not sure what mistake I’m making.
{ "_id":{ "$oid":"610a03578c9e4937107b6501" }, "ConversationId": "610a03578c9e4937107b6501", "Author":"author", "Body":"hey there", "CreatedAt":{ "$date":{ "$numberLong":"1628171556888" } } }
This is my model class
@Document(collection = "messages") public class Message { @Id private String id; @Field("ConversationId") private String conversationId; @Field("Author") private String author; @Field("Body") private String body; @Field("CreatedAt") private Instant createdAt; }
COnversationId in the above model class id an objectId and I tried saving it as a string as mentioned above so It was set to type String here. I have also tried making it ObjectId and still the same issue persists.
How to make it create a unique _id for each record and not use conversationId as its id.
I think you need to change id to _id. Attaching reference below
@Document(collection = "messages") public class Message { private String _id; @Field("ConversationId") private String conversationId; @Field("Author") private String author; @Field("Body") private String body; @Field("CreatedAt") private Instant createdAt; }