Request that i send :
{"transactionid":"12", "ISOMsg":"010046552063310518890000000000000123001203210541330012003255399022004655206331051889=0325111123400008050206305000014291100011001001840" }
And iam using packger87 to unpack the ISO Message :
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals("ISOMsg")) { msg.setPackager(new ISO87BPackager()); msg.unpack(ISOUtil.hex2byte(entry.getValue().toString())); } }
The Error :
"message": "org.jpos.iso.IFB_LLCHAR: Problem unpacking field 34 (java.lang.RuntimeException: Required 10 but just got 8 bytes) unpacking field=34, consumed=67"
The problem is with packager ? but iam using 87 and the MTI 0100 is the version of 87.. Thanks in advance
I Knew the answer : My Request wasn`t right so unexpected Message Representation Happened