I have my one table like UserTable.
@Entity public class UserTable{ @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) private int userId; private String userName; private String userEmailId; // Below code is getter and setter of this class. } @Dao public interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM userTable") public List<UserTable> loadAllUsers(); @Insert public long insertUserTable(UserTable userTable); @Insert public long[] insertUserTables(UserTable... userTables); @Update public int updateUserTable(UserTable userTable); @Delete public int deleteUserTable(UserTable userTable); @RawQuery public abstract List<UserTable> loadAllUserListByGivenIds (SupportSQLiteQuery query); public default List<UserTable> loadAllUserListByIds(long[] userIds) { List<UserTable> list; ArrayList<Object> argsList = new ArrayList<>(); String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM UserTable WHERE userId IN (?);"; argsList.add(userIds); SimpleSQLiteQuery simpleSQLiteQuery = new SimpleSQLiteQuery(selectQuery, argsList.toArray()); list = loadAllUserListByGivenIds(simpleSQLiteQuery); return list; } }
// Now in My MainActivity.class file, I have use following code:
List<UserTable> userList= databaseClient .getAppDatabase() .userDao() .loadAllUserListByIds(new long[]{1L,2L});
My query is running in normal database, but when I was pass array of user ids then, in @RawQuery() method of dao class is not supported for “IN” clause used in where condition “WHERE userId IN (?)”.
How, I will use “IN” clause in @RawQuery() of room database.
Much easier to use an @Query
it’s as simple as:-
@Query("SELECT * FROM UserTable WHERE userId IN (:idList)") public List<UserTable> getWhatever(long[] idList);
You’d then use getWhatever(new long[]{1L,2L})
If you need it an @rawQuery though you could do it like (used previous answer code for my convenience) :-
private List<TableXEntity> loadAllUserListByIds(int order,long[] idList) { StringBuilder idListAsCSV = new StringBuilder(); //<<<<<<<<<< boolean afterFirst = false; //<<<<<<<<<< //<<<<<<<<<< all of the loop to create the CSV for (Long l: idList) { if (afterFirst) { idListAsCSV.append(","); } afterFirst = true; idListAsCSV.append(String.valueOf(l)); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ").append(DBHelper.TableX.NAME); sb.append(" WHERE " + DBHelper.TableX.COLUMN_ID + " IN(").append(idListAsCSV).append(") "); //<<<<<<<<<< switch (order) { case DBHelper.TableX.FIRSTNAME_DESCENDING: sb.append(DBHelper.TableX.ORDER_BY_FIRSTNAME_DESC); break; case DBHelper.TableX.FIRSTNAME_ASCENDING: sb.append(DBHelper.TableX.ORDER_BY_FIRSTNAME_ASC); break; case DBHelper.TableX.LASTNAME_DESCENDING: sb.append(DBHelper.TableX.ORDER_BY_LASTNAME_DESC); break; case DBHelper.TableX.LASTNAME_ASCENDING: sb.append(DBHelper.TableX.ORDER_BY_LASTNAME_ASC); break; default: break; } sb.append(";"); return roomDao.rawq(new SimpleSQLiteQuery(sb.toString(),null)); }
i.e. provide a CSV (although I vaguely recall being able to pass an array)
To use bind arguments (the recommended way as binding arguments protects against SQL injection) then you need a ? for each value and a corresponding array of objects.
So for 3 id’s you need IN(?,?,?) and the actual values, the bind arguments, in an Object[]. The following is an example that does this noting that it shows 2 ways of building the Object[] (the bind arguments/values):-
private List<TableXEntity> loadByidList(long[] idlist) { List<Object> bindargs = new ArrayList<>(); // way 1 Object[] args4Bind = new Object[idlist.length]; // way 2 StringBuilder placeholders = new StringBuilder(); // for the ? placeholders /* Build the sql before the place holders */ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ") .append(DBHelper.TableX.NAME) .append(" WHERE ") .append(DBHelper.TableX.COLUMN_ID) .append(" IN ("); boolean afterfirst = false; int i = 0; /* using for each so have index counter (as opposed to for(int i=0 ....) */ for (long l: idlist) { bindargs.add(l); // for way 1 args4Bind[i++] = String.valueOf(l); // for way 2 if (afterfirst) { placeholders.append(","); } afterfirst = true; placeholders.append("?"); } /* finalise the SQL */ sql.append(placeholders.toString()) .append(");"); //return roomDao.rawq(new SimpleSQLiteQuery(sql.toString(),bindargs.toArray())); // way 1 return roomDao.rawq(new SimpleSQLiteQuery(sql.toString(),args4Bind)); // way 2 }