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Remove backslash before forward slash

Context: GoogleBooks API returing unexpected thumbnail url

Ok so i found the reason for the problem i had in that question

what i found was the returned url from the googlebooks api was something like this:

Going to that url would return a error, but if i replaced the ” /”s with “/” it would return the proper url

is there something like a java/kotlin regex that would change this to this (i know a bit of regex in python but I’m clueless in java/kotlin)

thank you



You can use triple-quoted string literals (that act as raw string literals where backslashes are treated as literal chars and not part of string escape sequences) + kotlin.text.replace:

val text = """"""
print(text.replace("""/""", "/"))


See the Kotlin demo.

NOTE: you will need to double the backslashes in the regular string literal:

print(text.replace("\/", "/"))

If you need to use this “backslash + slash” pattern in a regex you will need 2 backslashes in the triple-quoted string literal and 4 backslashes in a regular string literal:

print(text.replace("""\/""".toRegex(), "/"))
print(text.replace("\\/".toRegex(), "/"))

NOTE: There is no need to escape / forward slash in a Kotlin regex declaration as it is not a special regex metacharacter and Kotlin regexps are defined with string literals, not regex literals, and thus do not need regex delimiters (/ is often used as a regex delimiter char in environments that support this notation).
