I have the JSON below:
"total":"2", "offset":"1", "limit":"2", "results":[{ "code":1, "title":"RESTAURANTE SADOCHE", "contact":{ "code":10, "name":"HENRIQUE BARBALHO", "company":{ "code":100, "name":"RESTAURANTE SADOCHE LTDA-ME" } } }, { "code":2, "title":"ARNALDO GRILL", "contact":{ "code":20, "name":"FĂTIMA COSTA", "company":{ "code":200, "name":"COSTA NATAL RESTAURANTE EIRELI" } } }]
I turned this JSON into a Java HashMap using the Gson library.
Map<String, Object> retMap = new Gson().fromJson(jsonUpString, new TypeToken<HashMap<String, Object>>(){}.getType());
I need to dynamically read some properties of this created hashmap. Ex: title, name of contact and name of company.
Sometimes these properties (title, name of contact and name of company) can be inside lists.
Below my code:
String propertyName = "name"; String nesting = "results;contact;company"; String[] levels = nesting.split(";"); Map map = new HashMap(); map = retMap; for (int i = 0; i < niveis.length; i++) { map = (Map)map.get(levels[i]); System.out.println(map); if (i == levels.length - 1) { System.out.println(map.get(propertyName)); } }
But if the properties (results, contact or company) return more than one object, the JSON returns them as lists, and I can’t get the information I need.
I solved the problem using…
private static void leJSON(Object object) { if (object instanceof JSONObject) { Set < String > ks = ((JSONObject) object).keySet(); for (String key: ks) { Object value = ((JSONObject) object).get(key); if (value != null) { System.out.printf("%s=%s (%s)n", key, value, value.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (value.getClass().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("JSONArray")) { JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) value; for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { leJSON(ja.get(i)); } } if (value.getClass().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("JSONObject")) { leJSON(value); } } } } }
main method…
String json = "{...}"; JSONObject object = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(jsonString2); readJSON(object);