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Proper Lifecycle Order For Annotation Processing In Maven

I’m currently working on a java project where I need to generate and compile JPA metamodel classes as part of the build. I did some research and found an answer here: Generate the JPA metamodel files using maven-processor-plugin – What is a convenient way for re-generation? that seems like a reasonable solution. The problem is, my project also contains some groovy classes that need to be compiled alongside the java. If I enable the maven-processor-plugin, the maven build will fail as soon as it encounters a java class that depends on a groovy class. Looking at the console output, I can see that maven-processor-plugin is running before the groovy compiler, so those groovy classes have not had a chance to be compiled.

Does anyone know if there is a good way to handle this? Is there some way to break the compilation process up into stages so that I can control what gets processed when?

Here is a snippet of my pom.xml:




After a good bit of trial and error I finally found a solution that seems to work. maven-processor-plugin can use include/exclude filters to limit the scope of the files it looks at. I added an includes filter that restricts the processing to my domain classes. Now when I build it can process my annotated classes without getting hung up on the groovy files.

My final result ended up looking like this:

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