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Can you invert a switch in java?

Is there a way to invert a switch for example switch (!(x))? I’m writing a program and I only want the user to be able to input certain letters. If they input an invalid letter, they would have to input it again. I’m trying to use a switch for this avoiding doing something like because the number of valid inputs

Why does my ArrayList contain N copies of the last item added to the list?

I’m adding three different objects to an ArrayList, but the list contains three copies of the last object I added. For example: Expected: Actual: What mistake have I made? Note: this is designed to be a canonical Q&A for the numerous similar issues that arise on this site. Answer This problem has two typical causes: Static fields used by the

How to retrieve my public and private key from the keystore we created

My task is the following: Retrieve my public and private key from the keystore I created. Use these keys to encrypt a paragraph using my RSA 2048-bit public key. Digitally sign the result using the DSA-SHA-1 signature algorithm. Save the digital signature output on a file called output.dat. The program below is throwing error : “ No installed provider supports

Is it bad practice to keep data in static variables?

In an Android application, is it bad practice to store objects in static fields in these cases? Application data. Is it bad to keep application data in static variables in a class while the application is running? Currently, I’m storing the data in an instance variable in my Application class. Then classes that need the data can obtain the data

Use jsf as template engine on EAR

Thinking about html e-mails for our e-commerce site I thought about reusing jsf and other 3rd party libraries as a template engine to create the e-mails on our application server (Glassfish 3, EAR). Is it possible to manually run jsf with a local file and initialize the necessary bean to capture the html output to be saved in a String?

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject Error

I am getting following error Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xmlbeans/XmlObject at OrderBook.WriteToExcelSheet.CreateOutPutFile( at OrderBook.MainMethod.main( I looked for the reasons for this error online but couldn’t find why I am getting it. I have included the following jar files Code: Answer You have to include one more jar. Add this and try. Note: It is required for the files with

Volatile variable explanation in Java docs

when a thread reads a volatile variable, it sees not just the latest change to the volatile, but also the side effects of the code that led up the change This is mentioned at Can someone please provide an example of this? This first gave me an impression that the thread that reads a volatile variable will synchronize with
