Error: Failure while executing the commands mentioned below:-
/usr/bin/sudo -E -- env LOGNAME=ajaygautam USER=ajaygautam USERNAME=ajaygautam /usr/sbin/installer -pkg /usr/local/Caskroom/netbeans/8.2/NetBeans 8.2.pkg -target /
exited with 1.
Here’s the output: installer: Error – NetBeans IDE cannot be installed. Java (JRE) found on your computer but JDK 8 or newer is required. Please download and install the latest update of JDK 8 from and restart NetBeans installation.
Would someone in tracing out the issue above? I’m not able to install NetBeans 8.2 package in my Mac.
Actually, java_home
is in
but in my case, java_home
was in the next location i.e
I deleted my java_home from
by root useradded new
by following commandJavaScriptsudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Commands/java_home /usr/libexec/.