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Need to reference and use a C# dll in Java

I need to reference a .Net dll in java. I have used jni4net libraries for the same. I have followed the steps mentioned in the video below :

I have followed all the steps required to reference jni4net libraries but i get the following runtime Exception:


After following all the steps, This is my code:


I have tried executing the same using NetBeans 8.1 IDE but with no success. I am using jni4net- version and Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Oxygen.3 Release (4.7.3) Any assistance would be helpful!



I used jni4net library to call c# dlls from java and it is working fine. I used a lightly different approach to initialize jni4net.


I needed to use full path c:… to the dll to make it work. I also had to take care about .net framework version used to create assembly (need to use 4.0 in my case and java version 8)

Hopes this helps
