i want to declare an int a = 5 in java (android) and modify it using ndk with c/c++ , and change the value of int a in jni , basically its accessing that segment of ram which variable is declared , but i dont know how to do that ?
public class dataclass {
int a = 5;
int b = 5;
static {
public native void changeValue(dataclass mclass);
Assuming you declared your changeValue
as a static
function in Java, your native code will receive three parameters: a JNIEnv * env
, a jclass cls
, and jobject obj
. The latter is the instance of dataclass
you want to manipulate.
The approach is then standard:
- Get a reference to the
class usingenv->FindClass("dataclass")
- Use that reference to get a handle to the field you want to modify using
env->GetFieldID(dataClass, "a", "I")
. TheI
here is the primitive type associated withint
. - Finally, make the change by calling
env->SetIntField(obj, fieldId, new_value)