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Method Overloading Techinques

I have a method overload that goes as follows:

public class Odddetector {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int count = countOdd(new int [] {5, 7, 3, 9, 0});
        count = countOdd(new int [] {2, 6, 4, 8, 1});
        count = countOdd(5, 7, 10);
        count = countOdd(8, 2, 7);
        count = countOdd(new int[][] {{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}});//extra point only
        count = countOdd(new int[][] {{6, 2}, {3, 4, 0}});//extra point only
public static int countOdd(int[] a){
      int count=0;
      for (int i: a) count = (i %2 != 0)?++count:count;
      return count;
      // Do Something;
public static int countOdd(int[][] a){
     // Do Something;
     int count=0;
     for (int b = 0; b< a.length; b++){
            //System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(a[b])); not a necessary line.
            count += countOdd(a[b]);
      return count;
// more method overloading

My question is there a way to condense the solution to have one method that takes into account N-Dimensional Arrays. The code runs fine like this however, I would like to know what Java techniques can help account for the increase in dimensions. I would like to add some details and that is that the first method is the base method, and all the other methods call that first int[] a. The new section I added is the full code I am currently in developing this code which my professor gave as a challenge. I currently have the Data Structures by Lang, and I can accept hints. I prefer hints actually because I would like to learn to code this.



When the parameter is amulti dimensional array, you can recursively call the function that digs down until you end up with a 1d array of numbers. The logic is:

if a is a multi-dimensional array
    for each array in a
        call recursively
    count odd numbers in a

I have 2 functions. One that takes a variable number of args, and a recursive one. The first just calls the second with the var args as an array. The varargs function needs a bit of work if you want to allow mixed parameters (eg: countOdd(new int [] {1,2,3}, 4, 5);)

// The var args version. You call this. It then calls the recursive
// version.
public static <T> int countOdd(T... arguments)
   return countOddRec(arguments);

// Recursive version
private static <T> int countOddRec(T[] a)
    if (a == null || a.length == 0) return 0;
    int count=0;

    // Is it an array of Numbers?
    if (a[0] instanceof Number) {
        for (T i: a) {
            // Simplified the counting code a bit. Any # mod 2 is either 0 or 1
            count += ((Number)i).intValue() % 2;
    // Is it an multi-dimensional? Call recursively for each sub-array.
    else {
        for (T sub : a) {
            count += countOddRec((T[])sub);
    return count;

As mentioned in the comments, this will not work for primitive data types (ex: int, etc). Instead, use non-primitive types (ex: Integer, etc).

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