I have been testing my basic media player created for an app start up sound. The media is pulled from a URL contained within my firebase database. The media player works on an earlier emulators but not on any real device.
The error code is MediaPlayer start called in state 0 (Error -38, 0). I’ve read that it’s because the onprepare is not ready before playing the media, so I added a onPreparelistener and it still gives the same error. What can I try next?
public class harropMediaplayer { MediaPlayer player; String media; Context c; public harropMediaplayer(String media,Context c){ this.media = media; this.c = c; Log.i("Sound: ","Initalized"); } public void volumeSetting(){ SharedPreferences sharedpreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); boolean bnSoundMute = sharedpreferences.getBoolean("soundMute",false); if(bnSoundMute==true){ mutevol(); Log.i("sound","muted"); }else{ volmax(); Log.i("sound","max vol"); } } public void plysound() { player = new MediaPlayer(); Log.i("Url", media); try { player.setDataSource(media); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException o){ o.printStackTrace(); } try { player.prepare(); volumeSetting(); player.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() { public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { if (!mp.isPlaying()){ mp.start(); } } }); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.i("Sound playing", "Ok"); } public void stopplying(){ player.stop(); } public void volmax(){ player = App_Objects.mp; player.setVolume(1,1); } public void mutevol(){ player = App_Objects.mp; player.setVolume(0,0); }
onPrepareListener is not the same of preparing, you need simply call: