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Many to many relationship doesn’t add new Entity into the table

I have two entities Book and BookTag. They are connect by many to many relationship.


I try to add to the set of bookTags new BookTag entity using such service method


But it doesn’t work, after I saved an entity into the mysql database it work correctly view of books_tags table after inserting a new tag to the book

After I try to add new tag to the book using the method above I get such result view of books_tags table after adding a new tag to the book

As you can see my method doesn’t add new entity, it changes an existing entry for a new bookTag ID. Help me please solve this question.



This line could actually return an unsaved Book tag: BookTag bookTag = bookTagService.findBookTagByTagName(tag).orElse(new BookTag(tag));

so call save on bookTag before adding it to the complete Book.
