I am provided with UML’s for two classes, the parent class base
which has variable balance
listed as a private member (-), and a child class, child
. I’ve created the public getters/setters for balance
. Child class has a void function interest
that applies the appropriate equation to calculate interest (with given interest rate) and stores the result back in balance
public class base{ private double balance; //constructors and getter/setters }
When I try the following I get the error: error: unexpected type
and I’m aware that I can’t do balance =...
since balance
is private.
public class child extends base{ private double interestRate; //constructors and getter/setters public void interest(){ super.getbalance()*=Math.pow((1+interestRate/12), 12); } }
The only way I’ve thought of doing this is through using protected instead of private for balance
, but professor is pretty strict about sticking to the UML’s.
You said you created public getters and setters, judging from your code it seems the getter is called getbalance
. You can use the setter, then, I’ll assume it’s called setbalance
. Also, you do not need to explicitly use super
, since public methods belonging to the parent class are automatically passed to the child class (although you can, if you prefer):
public void interest(){ setbalance(getbalance()*Math.pow((1+interestRate/12), 12)); }