So my goal is to use WebClient to make multiple concurrent requests, wait until they’re all completed, then combine the results. Here is what I have so far:
... Flux<ServerResponse> feedResponses = request .bodyToMono(AddFeedRequestDto.class) .map(AddFeedRequestDto::getFeeds) // Returns a list of RSS feed URLs .map(this::getServerResponsesFromUrls) // Returns a list of Mono<Feed> .map(Flux::merge) // Wait til all requests are completed // Not sure where to go from here ... /** Related methods: **/ private List<Mono<Feed>> getServerResponsesFromUrls(List<String> feedUrls) { List<Mono<Feed>> feedResponses = new ArrayList<>(); feedUrls.forEach(feedUrl -> feedResponses.add(getFeedResponse(feedUrl))); return feedResponses; } public Mono<Feed> getFeedResponse(final String url) { return webClient .get() .uri(url) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(String.class) // Ideally, we should be able to use bodyToMono(FeedDto.class) .map(this::convertResponseToFeedDto) .map(feedMapper::convertFeedDtoToFeed); } /** **/ @Getter @Setter public class Feed { List<Item> items; }
Basically my goal is to combine all the items from each of the feeds to create one unified feed. However, I am not quite sure what to do after the call to Flux::merge. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Use .flatMap
instead of .map
/ Flux.merge
, like this:
Mono<Feed> unifiedFeedMono = request .bodyToMono(AddFeedRequestDto.class) // Mono<AddFeedRequestDto> .map(AddFeedRequestDto::getFeeds) // Mono<List<String>> feedUrls .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable) // Flux<String> feedUrls .flatMap(this::getFeedResponse) // Flux<Feed> .map(Feed::getItems) // Flux<List<Item>> .flatMap(Flux::fromIterable) // Flux<Item> .collectList() // Mono<List<Item>> .map(Feed::new); // Mono<Feed>
Note that .flatMap
is an asynchronous operation and will execute requests in parallel. There is an overloaded version that takes a concurrency
argument if you want to limit concurrency.
Ordering is not guaranteed with .flatMap
, and the resulting items might be interleaved. If you want more ordering guarantees, substitute .concatMap
or .flatMapSequential