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jdbctemplate count queryForInt and pass multiple parameters

How can I pass multiple parameters in jdbcTemplate queryForInt to get the count. I have tried this,


But its showing queryForInt as strikes.



Both queryForInt() and queryForLong() are deprecated since version 3.2.2 (correct me if mistake). To fix it, replace the code with queryForObject(String, Class).


As per spring docs

int queryForInt(String sql, Map args)

Deprecated. Query for an int passing in a SQL query using the named parameter support provided by the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and a map containing the arguments.

int queryForInt(String sql, Object… args) Deprecated.

Query for an int passing in a SQL query using the standard ‘?’ placeholders for parameters and a variable number of arguments. int queryForInt(String sql, SqlParameterSource args) Deprecated. Query for an int passing in a SQL query using the named parameter support provided by the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and a SqlParameterSource containing the arguments.

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