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Java SFTP Transfer Library [closed]

I’m looking for a dead simple Java Library to use for SFTP file transfers. I don’t need any other features beyond that.

I’ve tried Zehon’s, but it’s incredible naggy, and I think 8 jar files is a bit crazy for so little functionality as I require.

And the library have to be free (as in free beer), and preferable Open Source (not a requirement).




Edit : I’m going to keep my previous answer, as JSch is still used in many places, but if you need a better-documented library, you can use sshj. An example in how to use it to do sftp is :


Using JSch (a java ssh lib, used by Ant for example), you could do something like that :


You can use JSch directly this way, or through Commons VFS, but then you’ll have to have both commons vfs jar and jsch jar.

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