I have class Employee, and two derived classes Hourly and Salary. Instantiations of those derived classes are placed in the same Array List called employeeList. When I read these objects from file using ois.readObject() how can I ensure the data ends up in the appropriate derived class? Thank you!
Note: I am not familiar with ObjectInputStream, so I am not exactly sure if this dynamic dispatch would work here, but I recommend giving this a try:
You could have your employee interface look like this:
interface Employee {
// Whatever other methods you have defined
void populateFieldsFromObject(Object obj);
Then each subclass would implement this method differently:
class HourlyEmployee implements Employee {
// Other methods/fields...
void populateFieldsFromObject(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof HourlyEmployee)) {
throw new IllegalArugmentException("Object not of correct type");
HourlyEmployee objEmp = (HourlyEmployee)Object;
this.hourly = objEmp.hourly;
class SalaryEmployee implements Employee {
// Other methods/fields...
void populateFieldsFromObject(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof SalaryEmployee)) {
throw new IllegalArugmentException("Object not of correct type");
SalaryEmployee objEmp = (SalaryEmployee)Object;
this.salary = objEmp.salary;
Then you can just iterate through your List of employees, and call:
, as Dynamic Dispatch should automatically determine which method to call based on the type of the object.
Let me know if this works.